Special National Science Centre (NCN) Scheme for Ukraine


The National Science Centre is launching a scheme addressed to researchers from Ukraine who took or will take refuge in Poland after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The purpose of the scheme is to support researchers by creating employment opportunities at the Polish research institutions and allowing them to continue research.

Researchers who meet all of the following conditions are eligible to participate in the scheme:

  • hold at least a PhD degree or equivalent degree (in Ukraine: Candidate of Science);
  • worked at a Ukrainian research institute before the war and
  • left Ukraine on 24 February 2022 or after or is intending to leave Ukraine.

Researchers should be employed full time, pursuant to an employment contract, for a period of 12 months, with total remuneration of PLN 100,000 (including non-payroll labour costs, such as social and health insurance premiums, as well as other remuneration components paid by the institution). Additional funds of up to PLN 30,000 may be awarded for research work.

Apart from the researcher to be employed, proposals must include the name of the mentor employed by the applicant and conducting research in the same or related research field as the researcher in question. The mentor must not be the beneficiary of the funds awarded under the scheme. 

Scheme budget: PLN 6 million

Miejsce składania wniosków
Proposals must be submitted electronically via ePUAP to the address of NCN’s electronic delivery box (/ncn/SkrytkaESP) pursuant to the proposal submission procedure.

The call for proposals will start on 28 March 2022 and will close on the day of suspending the call by the NCN Director, of which the applicants will be immediately notified by an announcement on the NCN website.