The Director of the National Science Centre hereby announces the MINIATURA 6 call  for a single research activity carried out in one of the following forms: preliminary/pilot studies, library and archive searches, fellowships, research visits and/or consultations. The main objective of the call is to finance a research activity for the purposes of a future research project to be submitted to an NCN call for proposals as well as other national and international calls. Funds of PLN 5,000 to PLN 50,000 can be applied for under the call, to finance a research activity to be carried out over a period of up to 12 months. Funds can be applied for by institutions employing researchers:

  1. whose scientific achievements include at least one paper published or at least one artistic achievement or achievement in research in art;
  2. who were conferred their PhD degree after 1 January 2010. This period may be extended pursuant to § 5 (5) (a) of the Regulations. For multiple PhD holders, the reference date is the date of award of the first PhD.

The Council of the National Science Centre allocates  PLN 20,000,000 for research activities to be carried out under the MINIATURA 6 call for proposals.

Proposals must be submitted electronically via the ZSUN/OSF submission system available at pursuant to the proposal submission procedure described in the Guidelines to complete the proposal under the MINIATURA 6 call in the ZSUN/OSF submission system (available in English soon).

The call for proposals will be open between 1 February 2022 and 31 July 2022, 4 p.m.


The call is conducted on a continuous basis, thus the information on the plans/intention to prepare an application should be sent to the MUW Project Support Department minimum one month prior to the scheduled submission of applications - until 30June 2022 at the latest.

Pursuant to the decision of the University Governance, all applications shall require:

  1. a written approval (e.g. e-mail) of the Head of the Hospital Department/Entity for he project initiator’s conducting the project in the Department,
  2. a written approval (e.g. e-mail) of the Hospital Director for project implementation:

a) for applications which provide for conducting the project in the MUW’s hospital base,

b) for applications which provide for sharing of the medical data by the Hospital.

The call for proposals may be suspended if the total amount of requested funds exceeds twice the value of funds allocated by the NCN Council for the research activities to be carried out under the call. 

PLEASE NOTE: Funds for research activities carried out under the MINIATURA 6 call are divided proportionally to the number of months of the call for proposals. Funding is awarded under the call in so far as (inter alia) the proposal is within the pool of funds available for a given month. In the previous MINIATURA call for proposals, a large number of proposals were submitted in the last month. Please remember that you can also apply in the other months of the call. 

Please, read the call documents included in this announcement.

Please, pay attention to the Most important changes  tab where you can find out about any changes to the call documents as compared to the previous edition of the call.

Most important changes

  1. Eligible applicants in the call may include legal entities with registered office in Poland if they belong to the public finances sector (§1 of the Regulations).
  2. The definition of a person who will be carrying out the research activity has been specified to include information that such a person must not be an authorised representative of the applicant (§6 of the Regulations).
  3. The following requirement to recommend a proposal for funding has been deleted: A proposal must be within the pool of up to 50% of proposals submitted in a given month within individual groups of disciplines: Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Physical Sciences and Engineering and Life Science (§28 of the Regulations).
  4. The costs that are not deemed eligible costs will include the costs of organising exhibitions and competitions (§2 (10) of the Costs in research activities) and publishing fees (i.e. editing, translation, copies, printed drawings in colour, submission fees) in the case of Open Access publications, with the exception of Article Processing Charges in the press/ journals in compliance with routes 1 and 3 described in the Open Access Policy (§2 (6) of the Costs in Research Activities).
  5. Expenditures that are not deemed eligible when paid from direct costs will include cost of civil liability insurance for participants in medical trials and cost of approvals of the Bioethics Committee or Animal Research Ethics Committee as well as cost of participation in exhibitions and competitions (§5 (7), (8) and (14) of the Costs in research activities).
  6. Establishing that the funding decision will be taken within 5 months of the proposal submission date (§30 of the Regulations).

Call documents:

  1. Terms and regulations of the MINIATURA call for proposals
  2. NCN Panels
  3. Types of costs
  4. Proposal form template
  5. Guidelines for MINIATURA 6 proposal completion in the ZSUN OSF system
  6. State aid
  7. Guidelines for applicants to complete the Ethics Issues form
  8. Guidelines for applicants to complete the Data Management Plan
  9. Code of the National Science Centre on research integrity and applying for research funding
  10. Proposal submission procedure

Documents applicable to the evaluation of proposals:

  1. Expert Teams of the National Science Centre – formation and appointing
  2. Detailed procedure for evaluating proposals for funding of a single research activity
  3. Proposal evaluation procedure
  4. Service of decisions of the NCN Director
  5. Appealing against the decisions of the NCN Director

Documents related to the research activity:

  1. General terms of the funding agreement for a single research activity
  2. Order on the implementation of inspection procedure at the registered office of the institution
Podmioty uprawnione do składania wniosków


Termin składania wniosków
Data wydarzenia
Typy projektów
Osoba do kontaktu w sprawie konkursu